Old man: Here’s the thing kid, some people act as if they are going to want to be there for you, they will pretend like they want to get to know you…
Kid: Pretend?? Why would anyone pretend to do that?
Old man: It makes people feel good about themselves to think they would be there for other people. They don’t realize the burden they will feel once they really take you on. People like to uncover mysteries, but the unknown is always better than the known. The longer someone doesn’t know you the more they will try to get to know you. Once you give them the goods they will be bored of you. Therefore, it's best to keep your thoughts, feelings and aspirations sacred to yourself.
Kid: What are aspirations? I just want to go to the playground.
Old man: I’m telling you kid, everyone just wants to tell other people what to do. You don’t want to say anything to anyone otherwise you will have to suffer being bored to death by their advice. People just want to hear their own voice, and nobody wants to listen. You want to make a drama of life? All you need to do is write about it and talk about it…see anything you write and talk about will get bigger and bigger and at a point you will want to take it all back! Life should be about humor…
Kid: I want to ride skateboards. Why are we talking about this?
Old man: As you age the world gets more about ideas than living. You will talk about your ideas, others will talk about theirs and before you know it you will believe all sorts of shit that makes you miserable. Then you will live your life in obedience to these principles…you will constantly desire things and people and places that don’t exist. You will chase after more and more…all I’m saying is live life more than you talk about it…don’t worry if anyone sees it, don't worry if anyone cares about it, just follow every curiosity and inclination until it all blows up…
Kid: I don’t want to age. I want to be excited about people, places, and things forever. I want to laugh all day, and make up characters. I want to jump off high things and roll around in the dirt…
Old man: I beg of you to continue on this path and don’t let life rob you of your openness, love, playfulness and generosity…you will find out that life can become a rather tragic place and you must never lose your desire and excitement for living!!! Stay away from the complainers who want to see the faults of this world and hang around those who wish to enjoy it instead. Don’t be a sucker to discontent.
Kid: Are adults scared of things?
Old man: Adults have far more fear than children. Over time things happen to us that we never want to happen again. We begin to avoid all things that have the possibility of producing uncomfortable feelings, but the thing is nothing is ever the same. We should all keep living and doing in spite of our excuses and fears. I’m telling you, a person could eat the same food 100 times and 50% of the time it will upset their stomach and the other 50% of the time it will not. Nothing, not even science is set in stone. As time passes you begin to fear conflict. You try to act in ways that will be attractive and pleasant to people. Before you know it, you are monitoring your every move, emotion, and mood as not to displease anyone. As a kid you could shit your pants one moment and the next second trying to play ball with the kid who watched you do it. Growing up is a damn shame that none should do.
Kid: You say you don’t want to tell anyone anything…that seems like fear to me…
Old man: You will know whom you want to speak to and to whom you don’t...be wary of individuals who ask questions to which the answer you hadn’t yet considered. They are looking to pull what they want out of you and not your truth. The point of interaction isn’t to burden others with your complaints, emotions, and beliefs. It is to spread good energy…be it humor, motivation, friendliness, acceptance, playfulness…all communication should be an act of understanding and not of burden…one should only speak when they feel complete freedom to do so. The rest is obligation, and manipulation. At times I think all conversation is manipulation. Anyway, you have to live. That’s the point. You want to be creative? You want to play forever? Do it and don’t talk about it. Do it and don’t think too much about it. I’m sick of myself now, I suppose we can go to the skatepark. One final remark... if you know yourself completely, that is all that matters. If you want others to know you, they will always fall short. Entertain yourself always…there is no life better than this one…happiness is a one man job, and the only job any man should ever have.
Kid: I have no idea what you are talking about, let's go, and let's grab ice cream along the way.
Old man: Sounds good kid.